Common Foot Injuries for Basketball Players and How to Prevent Them | Enertor Medical

Common Foot Injuries for Basketball Players and How to Prevent Them | Enertor Medical

Basketball is a popular sport and with good reason. It’s fast paced, intense and fun. Of course, that pace can encourage a lot of stress and strain on the lower body. Basketball foot injury can be common as players run, jump, pivot and make plenty of sudden stops and direction changes during games. Here are 3 of the most common basketball foot injury and how to prevent them.

Ankle sprains

Ankles take a lot of pressure during basketball matches. If a player’s lower body alignment isn’t correct, twists and sprains can occur easily. Basketballers often sprain their ankles when they land on an uneven surface, such as another player’s foot, or through sudden changes of direction on court. The awkward angles can cause the supporting ligaments to stretch beyond their normal range, causing the strain. Sports performance insoles can help to reduce this rolling during play due to their supporting shape and superior shock diffusion technology.


Each foot is made up of 26 bones. When basketball players spend a lot of time on hard surfaces and apply force on the feet by repeatedly jumping, the small bones can be placed under so much pressure they fracture. Small breaks such as stress fractures can take some time to develop and are usually related to overuse, while more significant or sudden breaks are typically caused by impacts. Prevent this basketball foot injury by warming up well, avoiding overtraining and using proper landing techniques when jumping.

Plantar fasciitis

If basketball players have poor foot structure such as flat feet or pronation issues, a common issue may develop, called plantar fasciitis. The plantar fascia runs along the sole of the foot and connects at the heel. If this band of tissue becomes inflamed pain will present at the heel. This is also known as bone spurs, although the bone itself isn’t impacted. It will get worse if it’s ignored, so it’s best to rest the injury if it’s observed. Prevent plantar fasciitis by wearing corrective sports performance insoles, warming up the feet before training or playing, and reducing the overall weight burden on the tissue.


About Enertor Advanced Technology Insoles –  Enertor Medical Ready to Wear insoles are designed to prevent a number of common running injuries and provide more comfort. Designed by leading podiatrists to reduce your risk of injury, the unique design features support your foot throughout training.  Enertor insoles are enhanced by D3O impact protection technology, which means they can provide more shock absorption than any other insole.  Our expertise, combined with the patented D3O shock absorption technology, enables Enertor to deliver the most advanced injury prevention insoles on the market today.

The best insoles and socks for recovery from a foot injury

Whether your patient is recovering from an injury or surgery the important thing is to reduce the shock going into the foot. The perfect device for this is the Comfort full length because of how the material reacts under the foot and with 44% shock absorption this should make your patient feel better under the foot. If you feel they also need stability and perhaps suffer from cramp a combination of the comfort full length and Enertor recovery socks is a perfect choice.

Enertor insoles are available to buy from our online shop.

Whilst Enertor Medical has over 25 years Orthotics experience, our blog content is provided for informational purposes only 

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